Here is Lettie's review of
The Wronged Man:
At the weekend I watched for the first time Julia Ormond's new film 'The Wronged Man'. The story, based on real life events, revolves around a man wrongly convicted for the rape of a child and imprisoned for over twenty years for a crime that he did not commit. Julia Ormond plays the paralegal who fights to secure his release. I felt that there were echoes of 'Smilla's Feeling for Snow' in the film. Ormond was once again playing a character in pursuit of justice with the odds stacked against her. Ormond, as always, played her role with integrity and depth. However, I felt that the film was a little superficial. It failed to go into much detail about the legal process which eventually freed her client. The film concentrated more on the personal relationship between the paralegal and her client and the way that it impacted on their families and personal lives. This is not a bad thing but I felt that the film would have had more depth with more detail about the legal issues involved, eg, The Innocence Project. 'The Wronged Man' is not Ormond's best film but it is a huge improvement on some of her recent roles in 'Surveillance' and 'I know who killed me' - those films did not deserve her. I should also add that it will be a relief to the fans that she has more than five minutes screen time which has not been the case in some of her past productions.